npaste-vscode updated
I have written an encrypted pastebin for text and images called npaste. This post goes through the recent changes in the VSCode plugin for npaste.
I’ve also created a plugin that allows you to quickly upload pastes from Sublime Text 3, which was the editor I was using at that point. I did also write a plugin for Visual Studio Code, but it was a bit rushed and I wasn’t very happy with it.
Now there’s an update version of the npaste-vscode plugin with the following changes:
- The commands for pasting is split into two: only the selected text or the current file.
- Updated dependencies.
- Changed default keyboard shortcuts to CTRL/CMD+ALT+, for pasting the selected text and CTRL/CMD+ALT+. for pasting the current file.
Going forward I’m planning on rewriting the plugin completely, maybe using Typescript. There’s also one feature that npaste supports that could be very handy to have available in VSCode: Downloading a paste by its URL and opening it in a new file.
Stay tuned for more information about this.