Ludum Dare 39: PowerClick

I attended the online game compo Ludum Dare 39 this weekend. Because of things I wasn’t able to start until saturday evening, so I decided to create a very simple game this time.

Last time I created my first 3D game, Parking Zone. I spent most of the time creating the 3D models and getting the wheel colliders to work the way I wanted to in Unity. For LD39, I decided to create a very simple UI based 2D game.

«Running out of power»

This time the theme was «Running out of power». The game only has one scene, and takes place on a virtual mobile phone. The phone’s battery is draining constantly, and you can delay it from running out of power by clicking various-sized circles showing up at random locations on the screen. The battery level will never increase.

You get points based on various factors, including:

  • The size of the circle
  • The distance from the previous click
  • The time you spend between clicks

Once the battery level reaches 0%, the game is over. Your highscore is saved.

This Ludum Dare I spent most of the time in Photoshop, creating the mockup phone, the logo and the background.


  • Unity 5 Professional
  • Adobe Photoshop CC
  • Audacity
  • Evernote
  • LMMS (music)


Although I had less time to spend on this Ludum Dare, I very much enjoyed participating. Looking forward to LD40 already!


The source code is available in a Github repository.