Going solo
The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
– Walt Disney
For the last ten years, I’ve been working as an employed developer. If you have a look at my CV, you’ll see that more than nine of these years have been spent at a local company called iBooking. Since February 2021 I’ve been hired as a backend developer at Dekode Interaktiv, doing WordPress integrations and such.
During the last few years, my longing for starting my own company and employing myself as an independent consultant has been growing, day by day. And now, finally, it’s happening! From November 1st I’ll be working about two thirds of the time in my own company, Devos AS. The remaining third of my work time will be spent as an employee in a company called Trimpoeng.
I’ve joined BrainBase , a network for independent IT consultants based in Norway. It’s useful both because it can be a place to find work and, evenly important, a place to socialise with and learn from other people in the same industry.
The road ahead will be exciting and I’m looking forward to tackling all the challenges that surely will surface.